The best way I can describe it is that the back end was wallowy and seemed to lag (if that makes sense) behind the reaction of the front end. For example, at 60mph I'd very quickly snap the steering wheel left-right just to sort of 'wiggle' the car and there was a clear noticeable time difference for when the back would follow the turn/wiggle - about quarter to half a second after the front had settled.
It was extremely disconcerting in swooping bends at motorway speeds and the back end just felt loose!
The issue has only just arisen this week. I've chucked the car boldly into corners countless times over the 3 years I've owned it and always been confident of the handling properties. This though scared the shit out of me!
Now, I have searched but before I go and buy useless and irrelevant objects I'd just like to confirm with anyone who knows what this problem might be.
Is it A: rear beam mounts? If so, does everyone else experience anal sphincter enlargement by Peugeot to the tune of Ģ312.10 for 4 pieces of rubber?
Or just put up with it?
Or get them from GSF?
Or go solid ?
Is it B: my new Rainsports? Much improvement in a maritime climate but possibly total dog shit when they've been heated by speed, sun (30+ degrees C) and hot black Tarmac at well over the above temperature?
Is it C: shagged rear beam internals. O please Lord, let it not be C. Car's not lowered, beam doesn't creak, isn't siezed and sports no camber - negative or otherwise. Just passed MOT no problems last month.
Thoughts and comments please!