this was back at the start of September.

Apparently the HG or bottom end has gone on this engine, not that it matters, as I have my RFS lump to drop in.
Obviously will clean the bay, maybe a lick of paint if required.

Made a start on getting the silver shell ready yesterday in between helping my mate Richard (Spannerman) change the clutch on a Mk7 Transit crewcab tipper twinwheel 100 PS.
Previous owner had somehow managed to break the rear screen, I can only imagine in attempting to remove the rear spoiler :wacko:

less of the street diamonds to hurt myself on! and a pile of trim bits...

from pulling out the seats dash heater box, to get at the carpet which was torn and flthy....

and to get at the heater matrix which was donald ducked.

then this morning Helped Rich sort his garage out and move stuff around, and got the donor in the dry ready to crack on.

Later on today after lunch and the F1 GP, thought I may as well get more done and start tearing the black bent car apart, this one similarly had the street diamonds scattered everywhere and a pretty damp carpet, but most importantly it was in once piece, the heater matrix in this car is under a year old as well, 2 hours later and all the seats carpet dash and heater box is out.

Jetwashed the carpet off in the back yard and put it on the workshop roof to dry out, is now hanging over the bannisters waiting for the bath to be free....
Didn't do anything Monday night after work, faffed about for an hour last night, front bumper was half off as can be seen in previous pics, but as usual the cage nut things were seized across the bottom lip, so had to take the angle grinder up.
Whilst I was fiddling at the front I took the slam panel off and unplugged the engine loom and drained the PAS res, wont take long at all now to get it out as there's no exhaust or coolant pipes left, just shafts and 3 bolts!!

Also swapped the wheels that Adam had put on to move the car as it came without any, he'll need them back soon as they're his winter tyres for his 406 Bus, comedy size difference, 65 to 55 profile!!

Oh and 3 days on the carpet is still hanging up in the house still damp in places! so interior progress is a bit slow still, but hope to get to a scrappy later on today and get some sound deadening as I don't work on Wednesday

Carpet finally dry, so dysoned it.

Popped down the sound deadening I alleviated from a ZX in Harry bucklands on Wednesday.

Carpet in

Fitted my shiny heater matrix into the heater box.

Then fitted heater box in the car, this one is so much easier than the 306 as there's a plastic plate and a foam gasket that sits over the pipes, then the pipes poke through the bulkhead and another rubber gasket and a steel plate is screwed down on the top, no faffing and cursing for ages trying to squeeze the grommit in place!
Two nuts on studs with fibre washers on the engine side of the bulkhead and a bolt to a bracket on the exhaust tunnel and that's it, wiring sits in a channel and screwed onto a few tabs across the top.

underside of the dash (which weighs bugger all) steel parts on the left are for the fuse box drivers side air ducting and general stiffness, on the right side is for the glovebox with an additional piece across the bottom, couple of in built ducts in the middle and brackets for the heater controls.

All done for the evening, no bad for 2 hours work

one of the other bits I got from the scrapyard was a two speed relayed fan control loom from a 1.9 N-A diesel ZX, as standard the 16v has a single speed single fan, the diesel has a single two speed fan as well but in a double cowling, the TD uses twin fans, a nicely self contained loom, I've used one of these on my 205 now, plugged straight in, just needed to splice in the fan connector

need a part number? get on here - http://public.servicebox.peugeot.comBring on the Trumpets.