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Author Subject: Master Cylinder Change ? Help ?
steve h gti-6

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Post #1
Is changing the brake master cylinder as easy as it sounds in the Haynes manual ?

A. Bleed brake fluid out of the system
B. Remove the brake fluid resevoir
C. Disconnect the brake pipes off the MS using an 11mm Flaired spanner to stop any rounding of the nuts.
D. Undo the two securing nuts to the servo 13mm i think ?
E. Withdrawl the MS.
F. Refit new MS with new O-Ring without damaging the new MS shaft.
G. Tighten all back up, with new nuts etc
H. Refit fluid resevoir, refill with fresh brake fluid and give it a good bleed through.

Job Done, or is this too easy too be true and im missing something ???????????

I have a Phase 3 99 T Plate GTi-6


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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 19:44

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Post #2
Pretty much Thumbs up

Just watch the ends of the copper pipes don't twist off due to corrosion on the fittings.


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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 19:59
steve h gti-6

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Post #3
phillipm wrote:
Pretty much Thumbs up

Just watch the ends of the copper pipes don't twist off due to corrosion on the fittings.

Ill be carefull there and take care in what im doing. Would WD40ing them the night before help do you think ?


"Gotta Love The 6"

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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 20:10

Aka Quagmire83

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Post #4
Theres no need to drain the fluid out of the system.

1. Undo the 2 brake lines on the MC (11mm) use a rag to catch any excess fluid.
2. Undo the 2 bolts holding it to the servo. (13mm)
3. Pull the master cylinder out of the servo and place it upsidedown into a container or onto an old towel.
4. Pull out the sirclip and pin that holds the resovoir to the MC and fit the new MC to the resovoir.
5. Refit to the car and bleed the brakes.

If you drain all the fluid out of the system before doing this as Haynes suggests it will make it a pain in the arse to get all the air out of the brakes.


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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 21:48
steve h gti-6

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Post #5
Scrompy wrote:
Theres no need to drain the fluid out of the system.

1. Undo the 2 brake lines on the MC (11mm) use a rag to catch any excess fluid.
2. Undo the 2 bolts holding it to the servo. (13mm)
3. Pull the master cylinder out of the servo and place it upsidedown into a container or onto an old towel.
4. Pull out the sirclip and pin that holds the resovoir to the MC and fit the new MC to the resovoir.
5. Refit to the car and bleed the brakes.

If you drain all the fluid out of the system before doing this as Haynes suggests it will make it a pain in the arse to get all the air out of the brakes.

Ill do that then, as you have clearly done it before



"Gotta Love The 6"

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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 23:13

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Post #6
It'll take a while to bleed anyway as the master cylinder takes longer to bleed than the lines and calipers anyway.

Best bet is to fill it up and bleed the cylinder before you bolt it on, helps cut down on the amount of time.


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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 23:17

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Post #7
Check your rear bleed nipples turn first.


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Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 23:19

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Post #8
smegal wrote:
Check your rear bleed nipples turn first.

X 2 im 70% sure they wont
Posted 18th Mar 2009 at 23:23
steve h gti-6

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Post #9
lotek wrote:
smegal wrote:
Check your rear bleed nipples turn first.

X 2 im 70% sure they wont

They are all fine as i did a bleed last week while un-seizing the rear calipers. I thought after that and a good bleed, it would be back to being 100%.....NOT.....Sad

So i tested the Vacuum Servo Unit and the Vacuum Servo Check valve and they operatre as they should do, it could only be one thing left...The MS. Got a new OE Pug one sitting around so may as well just change the whole thing over together with a new O-Ring.

Never rains but it pours with a 6LOL


"Gotta Love The 6"

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Posted 19th Mar 2009 at 01:38

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Post #10
does anybody know a part number for the seal that seals the reservoir to the master cylinder as pug are trying to sell me a master cylinder for it!!!


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Posted 7th Jan 2010 at 19:53
rikky 🦔

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Post #11

you can't buy the seal on it's own from pug

i bet brakeparts could get one


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Posted 7th Jan 2010 at 20:02

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Post #12
thanks for the link matey.


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Posted 7th Jan 2010 at 20:04
rikky 🦔

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Post #13
oh you f*cking bas**rd, look what i found:


20quid though, new MC is only 60ish...

edit> that's the wrong diameter Hmm but i bet they could get the gti6 ones..

that's for ATE not Bosch but nothing on mine is leaking except what looks like the bigger seal that goes on the back of the MC

edit2> rang them again [biggred] and they do the kit i am after for


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Posted 7th Jan 2010 at 20:45

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Post #14
mines fine, i just noticed it weeping before under the reservoir


Moonstone phase 7 gti6
My Project thread: http://www.306gti6.com/forum/showthread.php?id=119992&page=1
Posted 7th Jan 2010 at 20:54

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