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Author Subject: Heavier or Lighter Disc

Seasoned Pro

Location: London

Registered: 23 Jul 2003

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Post #1
It seems like a no brainier but when choosing a brake disc/rotor to run on your road/track car do you tend to go for a lighter disc with a larger air gap or a heavier disc with a smaller air gap?

One would think it would always be lighter but given they will cool far quicker is it more sensible to pick a heavier disc that is more likely to remain in it's operating temperature during a track session or a longer road journey?

I wouldn't want to go for the very lightest and have problems with stability. Am i overthinking this? LOL


Just Drive It
Posted 6th Apr 2020 at 13:09

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Post #2
You probably are overthinking a bit, but tbh the casting tolerances for the airgap will probably be plus/minus 1mm which will alter the disc mass by a decent amount anyway.

My answer would be that I doubt you'd feel the difference of plus/minus 1kg per disc, and it's probably better to have consistent brakes every corner and choose the best disc to avoid fade.
Posted 9th Apr 2020 at 17:44

Seasoned Pro

Location: London

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Post #3
woody. wrote:
You probably are overthinking a bit, but tbh the casting tolerances for the airgap will probably be plus/minus 1mm which will alter the disc mass by a decent amount anyway.

My answer would be that I doubt you'd feel the difference of plus/minus 1kg per disc, and it's probably better to have consistent brakes every corner and choose the best disc to avoid fade.

Thanks woody Thumbs up I was thinking i might be going a bit OTT LOL


Just Drive It
Posted 10th Apr 2020 at 08:19

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