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Author Subject: sub frames.


Location: worcester

Registered: 20 Feb 2011

Posts: 120

Status: Offline

Post #1
good day ladies and gents.

right i managed to grab a bargin set of corbeau forza bucket seats.

now all i need is a set of sub frames, i have no idea which will work in the car.

found these.

dont really want to be drilling into the car etc, so can anyone suggest some that might be better etc.

thanks in advance.


p.s. cage is now all painted up yellow and looks amazing
Posted 12th Mar 2011 at 18:48

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Location: Airborne in the lanes

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Post #2
Yb racing sell some omp ones that are for the 306. Around £122 a pair. Thats what I will be fitting in mine unless I fit seat rails or anyone knows of better ones Smile

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Posted 12th Mar 2011 at 23:27

Seasoned Pro

Location: Essex

Registered: 20 May 2009

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Post #3
I wouldn't go for those universal ones to be honest mate, they look like you'd have to just drill the floorpan out to attach it.

That's all well and good and simple enough to do, but the seat mounting points in the car are reinforced for a reason, I wouldn't feel happy running those in a crash No

Give Demon Tweeks a call, they do direct fit 306 subframes that fit perfectly in about five minutes.

Extra money, but worth it for the effort saving and safety improvements Yes


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Posted 12th Mar 2011 at 23:00

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