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Author Subject: FAQ - Nissens Rads

Senior User

Location: Walsall

Registered: 10 May 2003

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Post #1
Right guys there seems to be alot of confusion about these alloy rads.

firstly they will fit all phases of 6 and rallye weather it has air con or not.

it all depends on the connector on the bottom hose, there are two types, one has the black wings on, and the other one is a push fit.

the one to fit these rads is the push fit one, NOT THE ONE WITH BLACK WINGS

so before you buy one, have a look under the front bumper to see which fitting you have.

the part number for the right hose is 1351 Z3 and it is £25 from pug

heres a photo of the push fit connector that fits these rads (the bit that actually fits in the rad)

hope this clears up the confusion guys

simgti6 has attached the following image:

Posted 20th Aug 2006 at 20:43

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