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Author Subject: Haynes Manuals etc £2 Each!
gnrlee Forum Admin

Location: Leeds

Registered: 20 Aug 2005

Posts: 8,878

Status: Offline

Post #1
I'm offering up a complete pdf's of the Haynes Manuals etc for £2 per manual donations
the money will go towards the running costs of this forum,

1.) Haynes Manual 1993 - 1995

2.) Haynes Manual 1993 - 1999

3.) Xu10j4rs Engine Manual

4.) 306 Maxi Specs
x8 Different pdf's which are basically the haynes of the 306 Maxi showing how things are put together
etc still written in French but i'm sure Google Translate will help

Please make payments to dw.3dgraphics@gmail.com then PM with which one/one's you'd like as well as your Email i'll then give you access to my online dropbox with them in to download them at your leisure


Proud Member of the ASTOR Owners Club
Posted 14th Jul 2019 at 17:53

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