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Author Subject: GTi 6 Won’t Start
Chris GTI6


Location: Newcastle

Registered: 06 Jan 2016

Posts: 40

Status: Offline

Post #1
Just been out to my car to go to work and when I got in before I’d even put the keys in the ignition the dash board was lit up as if the keys were in. When I put them in and tried to start it there was no sound of the fuel pump priming and the car just turned over but didn’t fire. Dunno if it’s just not priming because the car thinks it’s still on? Took the keys out and the dash stayed lit. Had a quick check of fuses and relays but couldn’t see nothing at fault. Now at work and cars stuck at home. Any ideas of what to look at? Anyone had this issue themselves? Thanks. P.s. didn’t know where to put this, sorry if it’s in the wrong area.
Posted 4th Mar 2018 at 20:34


Location: Cologne

Registered: 09 Nov 2015

Posts: 389

Status: Offline

Post #2
If it thought it would be still running, the fuel pump would be running all the time. Did you try disconnecting the battery for a while?

What exactly was lit in the dash? Was the radio working and everything was running as if you had the key in position ACC? If so, the ignition barrell could be broken and internally staying in this position, allowing you to turn the starter but without ignition on.

A pic of the dash with no key, key in pos. ACC and key in pos ignition on would be cool.
Posted 4th Mar 2018 at 20:56
Chris GTI6


Location: Newcastle

Registered: 06 Jan 2016

Posts: 40

Status: Offline

Post #3
The ignition barrel still turns but I know for a fact when I parked up earlier the dash went off so don’t think it’s the barrel stuck. Just the usual lights when you would turn the key to the acc position. The radio etc works, just can’t hear the fuel pump priming.

Edit: I did try disconnecting the battery but as I was going to work I only left it for 30 seconds or so.
Posted 4th Mar 2018 at 21:04

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