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Author Subject: D8 V6 wiring.
D8 V6 splitty


Location: Norwich

Registered: 07 Mar 2017

Posts: 1

Status: Offline

Post #1
So I'm not technically a 306 owner. I have a vw splitscreen camper that I've converted to a v6. The old v6 I had in it was a PRV V6 from a Renault 25 and the liners and rings have gone. It was going to cost me nearly 1k to get the parts to repair it!

So I went in search of a new engine. I settled on a v6 d8 from a 406. I've done the mechanical alterations including an adapter plate to connect the lump to a UN1 gearbox.

I Have all the electrical components I think! But I need help with the 2 plugs, brown and grey (1c02a/1c02Cool. I have a wiring diagram from the ru site but I'm still not getting it!

All I need is the cable connections to get the motor running.

I'm a fabricator/machinist by trade and not an electrician, so I'm asking for help.

Humbly yours


Posted 9th Mar 2017 at 12:50

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