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Author Subject: What Clutch For An Engine Of 350Bhp Plus


Location: truro

Registered: 13 Apr 2009

Posts: 181

Status: Offline

Post #1
i'm looking for a clutch for my supercharged 306 gti engine running a 306 S16 gearbox in a 205.
i'm not sure what makes to go for, paddle clutch or fast road? some people said i should get a helix paddle clutch plate like this.

rich w told me to get this..


and i'm guessing to match it up with a standard clutch cover and bearing like a valeo clutch?

also would a HDI clutch fit if i used the flywheel as their bigger again aren't they?
some people have said about changing my cable, to use the gti6 set up with the push cable? is this possible or worth it?

nothing seems to come as a 3 piece set so will it be a case of mix and match?

any help or advice would be very appreciated.

thanks Ro
Posted 1st Oct 2013 at 21:21

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