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Author Subject: stepper motor wiring


Location: ballymena

Registered: 15 Dec 2009

Posts: 46

Status: Offline

Post #1
hi, recently had my gti6 vandalised, and they even cut the loom and stole the stepper motor, do any of you guys know the colours on the plug or can you have a look at yours and tell me where they go . mine is 1998 and the colours are
blue + red
red + yellow
green + white
i have a mate who has one but his wires are single colours.
the stepper is located to the back right hand side of
the intake manifold its black and has a pipe running from it to the air intake pipe and is held on with 2 x 10 mm head bolts. would be much appreciated thanks pete.


p millar
Posted 19th Sep 2011 at 17:50

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