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Author Subject: Mopping

Seasoned Pro

Location: Birmingham

Registered: 09 Apr 2005

Posts: 5,894

Status: Offline

Post #1
Just a heads up for anyone wanting any mopping work done around the west mids.

I can now offer full mops, scratch removal, faded pannels restoration etc, at very competative rates.

I've been in the motor trade for ten years, five as a valetor and the last five in smart repair, so I have plenty of experiance with paintwork restoration and damage repair techniques.

I don't have the gear to clean cars, so it will be up to you to make sure anything that needs mopping is clean and free of grit.

Anybody interested or any questions please don't hesitate to ask Smile


For we are many.

PS£ ID: Monkey369

Posted 26th Feb 2011 at 00:36

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