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Author Subject: Oil Temperature

Seasoned Pro

Location: Bathurst

Registered: 26 Oct 2008

Posts: 1,068

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Post #1
Going to ask here as I didnt get much help on the Xsara forum....

What are the increments on the guage for a Ph2 Xsara, consulting the manual doesnt tell you.

I would assume they were 25 degrees a time, so 50 (marked) then 75, 100 and 125) and 150 marked in red.

However that would be too sensible with it being French so they could be anything!

Alternativly can you check the resistance on the sensor at the different temperatures and work it out from there/relate it to the GTI-6?



Bang'in 7 gram rocks!
I have one gear, GO!
Posted 8th Jun 2010 at 01:55

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