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Author Subject: Strange electrical problem, wont start!


Location: Harrogate

Registered: 20 Oct 2008

Posts: 125

Status: Offline

Post #1
I've finally managed to find the time to get the engine back in, although it wont start!

Ignition, lights etc work fine, but when you turn the key to start something clicks under the bonnet and I loose power to everything. Although it returns after about 20 seconds or so.

Now, is there some sort of safety trip out? I'm thinking somethings come disloged on the starter and is earthing out? Or could it just be a poor earth from the engine to the body?

Just wondered if anyone might have an idea before I remove the inlet again to have a look?

Posted 5th Mar 2010 at 00:40


Location: Harrogate

Registered: 20 Oct 2008

Posts: 125

Status: Offline

Post #2
Fixed it, positive battery clamp is playing up, I nipped it up and it fired into life!

I'm just nursing my damaged eardrums now, it
Posted 5th Mar 2010 at 01:35

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