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Author Subject: Interior Fan

Seasoned Pro

Location: Billingshurst

Registered: 03 Aug 2006

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Post #1
Hi guys ive have done a search on this problem but it hasnt answered my questions.

Here goes, last night was driving some people home in the snow got home and the car stalled as I went to restart it, it seemed to not want to start so I went to turn the key...as I turned it the engine fired so in a moment of stupidity I turned the key back to running position to try and keep it runningbut the car stalled again.

Now the blower doesnt work. The A/C doesn't work nor does the circualtion switch.. Which fuse is it? My car is a phase 3 Which relay as well??

Cheers for help.



Team China
Team Pirelli
Team Cracked Bumper
20th Nov 1999 she was born
Posted 18th Dec 2009 at 22:36


Location: Godollo

Registered: 05 Mar 2009

Posts: 247

Status: Offline

Post #2
spike_uk06 wrote:
Hi guys ive have done a search on this problem but it hasnt answered my questions.

Here goes, last night was driving some people home in the snow got home and the car stalled as I went to restart it, it seemed to not want to start so I went to turn the key...as I turned it the engine fired so in a moment of stupidity I turned the key back to running position to try and keep it runningbut the car stalled again.

Now the blower doesnt work. The A/C doesn't work nor does the circualtion switch.. Which fuse is it? My car is a phase 3 Which relay as well??

Cheers for help.


It can be relay or thermistor.
I have a P1 so can't give info on the relay, sorry.


XSi 8V -> S16
Posted 19th Dec 2009 at 19:37

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